Thursday, November 14, 2013

Trouble with Eating

Thursday 11-14-13

It has been a long couple days.  It started on Tuesday when we went to the doctor because Adelyn had a small amount of blood in her stool.  Doctor showed me that she has a small tear near her anus and it could be just because or it could be because she is allergic to cow's milk (standard formula).  He suggested that I try soy milk formula but he warned that most likely if they are allergic to cow's milk, they will probably be allergic to soy milk. If that is the case, I have to use a special hypoallergenic formula ($$$).  I figured I wouldn't waste time with the middle man so went straight to the expensive stuff (long run, went back to the original formula)
     Adelyn used it for one feeding later that night (they get breast milk in bottles during the day) and she hated it. She refused to drink it, cried and closed her mouth. I went back to standard formula for her; even though  the doctor did say to wait 5 days for her sore to and my impatience (limited)...
    Meanwhile, my guess is that Clara has had a difficult time eating since the beginning.  She had difficulty latching (her smaller weight and size) and
while she drinks her bottle, she is constantly grunting and getting red in the face.  I think she is trying to poop however it seems super difficult for her.  I did some research online and it could be a number of things.  It could be "grunting baby syndrome" which is where newborn bowels aren't fully developed yet (?) so she could need more time to develop and then perhaps pooping will become an easier process.  It could be reflux and/or colic as well. Does a mother have to be a physician to figure this stuff out? I'm glad I have What to expect: The first year and the internet to refer to for advice. Either way, it only happens when she is eating so it most likely has to do with the cow's milk...I don't know. SOOO I am going to try for 5 days putting her on the hypo formula.
 After all day of breast milk (grunting as well), her first feeding of the new formula was at 2 pm.  She drank it and continued to cry.  Mom tried putting her to bed but she continued screaming.  Finally I had her lay on my chest and she feel asleep.  Apparently she just needed my warmth to calm her down (awww).  We slept like that for about 30 minutes. Then I was able to put her into her own bed.
    Around 4:30pm Tina and her daughter Becca came over for a visit and it was time for another feeding.  Again, I made her a special bottle.  She drank about 2 oz of it with difficulty and then didn't want anymore.  When I attempted to give her more, she pushed it away and screamed.  I burped her, coddled her, and rocked her. Nothing seemed to work.  After 20 min of screaming, I caved (my nerves were shot) and gave her a sip of the standard cow's milk formula.  She sucked it right down...and fell asleep. Worked for me.
     Mom reminded me that I have to stay STRONG and give her 5 days of the new formula as requested by her physician.  Mom says she eventually will drink it.  I want to make my baby happy and comforted and I am sure the new formula will help her stomach issues but man, the screaming and discomfort really hurts my heart.  I feel like I want to call the doctor and have them tell me what's wrong but I know that it doesn't work that way...the book says to put in ear plugs (NOT!).
     So...I will try to stay strong.  Let's see if my post 5 days from now shares my hopes at this moment.

On a side note....Nalla was feeling left out so she cuddled up with the boppies :)

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