Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Sunday November 17, 2013

before service
I want to start this entry off with a little background...Today was a very special day for me. Today my girls were baptized in the Lutheran church.  I am not a person that goes to church every Sunday but I do have a strong faith and it was very important to me that my girls be baptized.  I want my girls to be raised in the church and have a structure that will help guide them through struggles and joyous occasions in life.  Once they are old enough, they can make their own choices regarding their faith, but I want to create that foundation.
   I had my girls baptized at Central Lutheran Church.  This is the
church that I was baptized at.  My grandparents were members of this church and were a big part of their membership and even though they have passed, I know they are up in heaven watching over my girls.  My grandparents (both sides) were very important to me and I know they are proud of me.
Me in 1975 in the gown
     Not only was the ceremony itself important to me, the location, and
Adelyn in 2013 in the gown

family connection, the gown Adelyn wore is very sentimental too.  My grandma Adelaide's aunt handmade the gown in 1917 and it was worn by my grandmother, my grandmother's siblings, their children, and then of course down the line to me.  Adelyn is the 4th generation (Adelaide, John, Me, Adelyn)  I remember visiting my aunt this summer when she brought the gown out of the safe and told me the history of the gown.  I was moved to tears at the thought of my own daughter being able to wear the gown.
     People have asked me how I picked which daughter was going to wear it; I chose Adelyn just because she has part of Adelaide's name.  I love Clara just as much and I want her to have a tradition of her own so I searched and searched for her own perfect gown.  She will be able to hand down her gown to her daughter(s) and create a new story.
Now the day:

Godparents:  Guy and Rhonda Martin
  We had to be at the church at 9:30 am to go over the service.  We met Rhonda and Guy Martin there beforehand.  Rhonda and Guy are the Godparents and I am so honored that they agreed to do so.  I know my girls are so lucky to have them in their lives and if they ever needed anything, spiritually or otherwise, Rhonda and Guy would always be there for them.
Mom and  I got the girls dressed at the church because there was no way to transport them in their gowns in the car seats.  Besides, I was so stressed...not about the ceremony...just about Adelyn spitting up all over this gown that is 96 years old.  I just had this vision of Adelyn spitting up all over it,
staining it and then the perfect dress would be yellow for all the future generations.  Aunt Mary Jane told me to relax and that spit up was a normal activity for babies and not to worry about it...yeah right.

    The girls did look so angelic in their gowns and I had to hold back the tears of happiness and pride.  Rhonda and Guy held the girls through the church service; the baptism part wasn't until the end.  I had fed the girls and changed them before but...man...bullets of sweat were rolling down my face praying that the girls wouldn't start crying.
Uncle Dan and Aunt Mary Jane
     I only had to step out to change Adelyn once, and Rhonda fed Clara a little bit of a bottle.  The actual baptism part went so smoothly and my heart was happy.  After our part was over, I took Adelyn out to change and everyone else stayed the duration.  Aunt Mary Jane told me that while she
was holding Clara at the end of the service, everyone sang a song that was Grandma's favorite.  I told her that it was a sign that Grandma was there with us.

Guy holding Adelyn
Rhonda holding Clara

Pastor Jeff
After the service, Dad and Kelly held a very nice reception at their house.  Everyone went over there for some tasty treats and great conversation.  It was nice to have everyone in one place.  My friends and family took their turns holding the girls and after an hour or so, the girls were hungry so we said our goodbyes and headed home.
     It was a long day, but a good day.  My heart was and is full with love and the day couldn't have gone any better.  I am thankful for the people that showed up to witness the day and I am thankful to have you all in my life.  My girls are truly blessed!

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