Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Santa Photos

Tuesday November 26, 2013

I am really into the holidays, normally, and now I get to see them for the first time through my daughters' eyes.  For the next several years, I get to live through their enjoyment of everything Thanksgiving and Christmas and it just makes me even more excited for the holidays.
     Not only am I excited about the holidays, I am big on traditions.  I love traditions.  They give me something to look forward to and I am looking forward to passing them on to my girls.  One of the traditions, of course, is the Santa photo...  The Santa photo is such an American thing to do and the more the child cries, the funnier the photo...yet, I wanted my girls to have the "perfect" photo...ha...reality check.
Adelyn and Clara
     Before we left for the mall, I dressed the girls in their new
Christmas dresses that Grandpa John and Nana Kelly got them.  I wanted to have my own photo shoot before we did the official picture.  Mom is really good at taking pictures and has an eye for details so we had fun propping the girls next to the tree and taking tons of photos, hoping that at least one of them was a good shot :).
Mom and daughters :) 
     Mom and I took the girls to the Everett Mall to get their photo.  I figured, every kid should be in school, so there would be no lines and then I wouldn't feel pressured to get the girls situated and calmed before the photo was taken.  First of all...Santa was weird.   He was the skinniest Santa I have ever seen (granted, it is Everett), and he had a couple hippie braids going down his back.  When he came to talk to me, before the photo, I am pretty sure he had fangs as well..oh jeez...I would have thought Santa was exempt from all the vampire craze...guess not.
    Santa took me over to the photo selections to let me know that we didn't have to do a "traditional" photo.  Excuse me, I am ALL about tradition.  There were pictures of him laying on his back, draped over the chair with the babies lying on his stomach...there were pictures of the kids just sitting on the chair and he was standing next to it...umm....I told him to start with the "traditional" first and we would go from there.  

Clara and Adelyn
   Mom helped position the girls while I went next to the computer to see the picture.  We took a couple and I picked the "traditional" picture.  if it isn't broken, don't fix it :).  The girls were asleep so it wasn't the best picture of them BUT it is their first Santa photo and I think they are beautiful no matter what.
   On a side note, it is amazing what having twins does to the general public.  Almost every woman that walked by us, had to stop and coo and awww...and tell me what beautiful girls they were.  They wanted to know how old they are and were they identical?....they are only 7 weeks old and are already celebrities :).

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