Saturday, November 9, 2013

One Month Old

Saturday November 9, 2013

The girls are one month old today.  I know everyone says that time flies fast, but man oh does.  The nine months being pregnant seemed to last a life time...heck the 2 years it took me to get pregnant seemed to take forever, but this last month happened in a blink of an eye.  I couldn't love my girls anymore than I already do.  They are growing so much every day and I love just staring at them and watching their personalities develop.
    I had a lactation appointment yesterday.  The only reason I was excited for the appointment was to get the weight on the girls'.  On a side note, Judy didn't smell as bad this time (last time it seemed as though she could have used a shower & clean clothes) and the girls actually were able to breast feed :).  Success!! Adelyn weighs 8 lbs., 2.6 oz and Clara weights 7 lbs., 14.9 oz.  Judy said that the girls should grow about an oz a day so Clara should be into the 8 lbs by today.  Clara has already doubled her weight. Wow. Adelyn was able to drink 1.5 oz in 20 minutes and Clara drank 1.1 oz.  That was AWESOME!  They normally drink about 3 oz a feeding so they can start getting part of that directly from me now :).
     Here are the developments in the first month:
     *started life eating 1-2 oz.  By the end of the 1st month, eating 3-4 oz.
     *feeds every 3 hours
     *about 8 feedings a day
     *at least 8+ diaper changes per child.  Adelyn averages about 10-12 and Clara about 8-10.
     *usual routine is to change before feeding.  Adelyn usually has a poopy diaper and Clara a wet one.  Then during the feeding, one or both of them will need another change.  Sometimes there are two additional changes after the feeding within 30 minutes...lots of diaper changes (a good thing health wise).
     * Sleep 2-3 hours a time
     *eat, poop, sleep, poop, eat, play....repeat
     *sleeps in bear suit in car seat (super cute & warm)
     *Clara uses a pacifier
     *Adelyn hates the pacifier...but will use it on small amounts & then spit it out (cute)
     *Clara has a hard time eating....swallowing issues?  The 9-10 pm feeding is the toughest for her.
     * Both girls spit up after eating (normal)...even comes out their nose sometimes (no biggy)
    *  Mom stayed with me 24 hours a day the first 3 weeks.  She would go home for short periods to get new clothes, feed her pets (Lloyd out of town for work), etc.
   *After the 1st three weeks, the new schedule is that Mom comes over around 9am to help with day time feedings and play with the girls (I am VERY LUCKY LUCKY LUCKY to have her around)
    *girls don't like to sleep flat.  Have to sleep in nappers on the bed (for their preferred slight incline)
     *wore preemie diapers the first week, and now in newborn diapers
     *too big for most of newborn clothes that I have....wearing 0-3 months now. :)

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