Friday, November 15, 2013

One Day

Friday 11-15-13

Well...I lasted one day having Clara on the hypoallergenic much for the five days I was going to try to go.  She absolutely HATED the taste and screamed more than she normally did while on the standard formula.  My heart strings couldn't handle her discomfort so I gave her the standard formula back.  Clara continued to drink the standard formula today, along with breast milk.  Just like other feedings, she continued to grunt, get red in the face, and contract her stomach as if in pain.
     Mid morning I got a Facebook message from a friend who had read my previous post and told me Clara's symptoms sounded just like her daughters.  Andrea suggested that I try soy since that had been the miracle formula for her daughter.  I really wanted to, but I didn't want to switch to yet another formula for it not to work (soy was the ONE type of formula that I hadn't tried yet).  I mean cupboards are stocked with every brand of formula you could think of.  I am prepared for any ailment
the girls may have in the future....anyone want to buy some formula???? So...I called the doctor, set up an appointment for Monday morning and decided to just stick with the standard formula til then.
     As the day went on, Andrea's message stuck with me and I kept thinking about it.  Then around dinner time, my mom and Lloyd suggested I try the soy as well.  At least that way when we do go to the doctor on Monday, we can say we tried ALL the formulas and none worked.  When I say we tried "all" formulas, I mean we tried A LOT.  None of them have worked so far so I didn't have the highest hopes for the soy.

    At the 7 pm feeding the girls got their first bottle of the soy formula.  A hush fell upon the room as all the adults waited to hear and see how Clara, particularly, liked it or not.  I actually think I held my breath as I waited for the screams to fill the air.  Nothing screams, minimal grunting and she actually was drinking the bottle.  OMG.  SUCCESS!!  Hopefully!  She drank most of her bottle and fell asleep instantly.  Poor girl was probably soo exhausted from having an upset stomach for so long that she even slept upright on the couch.  Adelyn even liked it so all might be right in the world.
     We shall see how the rest of the night goes and tomorrow.  I am definitely sticking with the soy until Monday.  I will then share the experiences with the doctor and let him tell me what I should officially do.

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