Wednesday, November 20, 2013

One Thing After Another

Tuesday November 19, 2013

This was one of those days were you just have to sit back and laugh...

     Apparently it started with my mom at her house...picture it...a cold morning; it had rained a ton the night before; Mom steps out onto the porch to wipe off the slider window and the canopy tarp bumped and sent a ton of freezing, cold rain water down her back.  Not particularly the best way to start your morning...definitely a good way to wake you up, but not a way to put you in a good mood.
     Mom and I had a bunch of errands to run today and when you have kids, you can't just pack up and go.  I have to schedule my outings around the girls' feedings.  The last thing I want to have happen is to be out on the road and have two screaming kids in the back seat because they are starving or need diaper changes, or heaven forbid...their pacifier falls out of their mouth.  Usually I try to get what I can get done in a three hour window because that is how long it usually is between feedings.
     Our first errand, mom and I and the girls, took us to Albertsons.  As mentioned in previous entries, we had excess formula so Mom wanted to take back one we weren't using.  She stayed with the girls in the car and I ran in...the return happened smoothly so I went to Rite Aid, right next door.  A side note,  my mom and I are a little OCD in our errand runs.  You have to plan out the locations in almost a circle type occurrence.  You have to plan out the places so that your time is most effectively used so our agenda was:

                 Albertsons-Rite Aid-Target-Safeway-Freeway-Church-Vet-Overlake Rep. Health

     I got a lot of newborn diapers and my girls are now in size one.  I had heard that if you take unopened diapers back, you can exchange them for a bigger size.  One of the diapers had a Rite Aid name brand on it so that was next on the list.  I ran in and the guy couldn't just exchange it.  The diapers would have to be "returned" and since I didn't have a receipt, the money would be put on a gift card and then I could use that gift card to buy a bigger size of diapers...jeez...
    As he was doing the return he needed my drivers license...which I didn't was in the car. So I had to run to the car and back...all while...I am trying to get everything done within a three hour window.  In the end, the diapers were only worth four dollars so it was put on the gift card.
     Next was Target.  I had a preemie outfit to return (with receipt), a bra, and a box of diapers (both with no receipts).  My luck the lady at the return next was NEW and about 70 years old.  Seriously...I looked around to see if I was on some hidden camera show.  I must have told the lady that the preemie outfits were on the receipts about five times.  Finally she got that returned.  Then the bra...she had to put that on a gift card...yet another new experience for her.  10 minutes later we finally get to the box of diapers.  Mind you, Mom is with the girls in the car and I knew Clara had started to whimper when I left to go into the store.
    Apparently you can only return ONE item without a receipt a time at Target and the diapers just sent the system into a crash down.  The lady had to have her superior help her...who was busy running around everywhere BUT customer service and then had to call the home office to get some override code.  The first time she called, the system hung up on her.  By this time, there are about eight people in line behind me, it has been about 20 minutes, and I am clearly frustrated.  Some young store employee took the line of people behind me so I could continue to wait for the superior lady re called home office.  They gave her the override code and we began to make up some time...then another delay.  I had to go get another box of diapers to trade and when I got back, they made me wait in line AGAIN.  I had to wait behind three people...(tick tock...tick tock)....
    I got back up to the counter and the lady had to re ring the new box and put the value on a gift card and at this point I am just waiting for Ashton Kutcher from Punked to jump out from behind the counter.
    When I left Target, Mom was no where to be found.  I called her cell and she came to pick me up.  Clara was crying so Mom drove around hoping to put her to such luck.  Because of the serious delay in time,  we bumped our Safeway stop to the end of our errand list decided to take an impromtu McDonalds stop because we were hungry. I have discovered since having kids that my slow eating of food doesn't exist anymore.  I no longer taste most of the food I eat because I have to shove it in before some child starts screaming and I need to tend to that child.  So in the parking lot, I am shoving fries and a cheeseburger into my mouth at the same time because I knew I would have to get Clara and change her diaper, in the car.
    Diaper changed, recharged and now onto church.  I had left the girls' baptism certificates there so we quickly picked those up. While there I mixed up some formula sitting in the car; the powder made it more on my lap than into the bottles. What is a little milk powder smell in the car...Mom won't mind :)...sorry Mom.  Next stop, the vet, to get another bag of special diet dog food for Lucy.
     After Koenig's office, we evaluated if we should really make trek to Bellevue or bag it and head home.  I convinced Mom that since we were already on the road to just head there.
     Along the way, as we were entering the freeway, a seagull flew over us and pooped all over the front windshield and on the sun roof.  Really????  Least we had Christmas music to listen to on the radio even though it isn't even Thanksgiving.  It is amazing how the 10th rendition of Drummer Boy you hear, really puts you in the festive spirit.
     The days journey really did pay off when we got to Overlake.  It was so great to show off the girls to the amazing, special team that helped my dream come true.  The girls were perfect!  The doctors got to hold them and the love on all their faces really made my heart happy. There were a lot of factors that went into my girls and the amazing staff at Overlake was definitely a major factor.
     After Overlake we headed home.  We never did make it to
Safeway...we had to put that location on another day's errands.  All in all, the girls made it in one piece and Mom and laughed at the day's events. gives me something fun/truthful to write about in my Blog :).

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