Thursday, December 26, 2013



Clara hanging with Grandma
Adelyn getting ready
to go to Grandpa Dykstra's
This was the girls' first Christmas.  Like I have stated in previous posts, I am a sucker for rituals and traditions.  I am so excited to discover Christmas all over again through my girls' eyes!  Christmas actually started a week earlier at my dad's house.  On Friday December 20th, I took Adelyn to my dad's for Christmas.  I left Clara with my mom because I was exhausted.  The girls hadn't been sleeping well and Clara was being SUPER "sensitive."  I figured that trying to pack around two car seats, two babies (one being super fussy), and presents was going to be a little much so I made the "Mom" decision to leave Clara with Grandma and Grandpa Marquardt.
     My step sisters have little kids and there is always a lot of action and screaming at my dad's so I didn't want it to over stimulate Clara, which I knew it would.  Obviously next year they will both come since they will both be able to walk and will be a little more self sufficient, but this year, I needed some peace and Clara needed a calm environment.  She was missed by all, but I stand by my decision as her mom.

 Christmas Eve was spent at my mom's house.  The girls both had colds so it was EXTRA fun...Before I left to go to my mom's my friend Katie surprised me with a visit of presents.  It was sooo sweet of her and her family to think of my girls during the holidays.  She showered them with a couple gifts and she was gone as soon as she arrived.  It was completely out of the blue and very much appreciated.  My other friend Jill showed up, as well, with gifts for the girls and we did a present exchange for our kids; I still think it so cool that I get to say "my kids."  I just feel so lucky to have so many wonderful people in my life.    
     We arrived around 3 pm at my mom's and I set the girls up in girls' room.  They fell asleep
immediately! Luckily they slept through dinner and were up and awake during presents.  I don't get to see Allison and gang hardly enough so it was fun for them to be able to play with the girls.
Adelyn telling cousin McKenna what she wanted for Christmas
Adelyn had some precious time with Auntie Alli

Christmas morning started around 7:30 am.  The girls got up for the day and we had breakfast.  After breakfast, I moved their lounge chairs near the tree and we opened presents.  I had to take a couple token Christmas photos and then they went down for their nap.  The girls were pretty much sleeping for the rest of the day...their colds pretty much wiped them out.
     Over all it was a great Christmas and I am super excited for next year when the girls will actually have some awareness of
what is going on around them

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