Saturday, December 14, 2013

Purple Crying

Saturday Dec. 14, 2013

     Soooo, update on the feeding....we are back to our regular schedule.  The book is on the bookshelf to be re looked at, at a later date.  The girls are feeding about every 3-4 hours during the day and they are drinking about 3-6 oz. a time depending on the time of day.  I wake the girls up (or get us as close to) 10 pm as possible.  That is the GOLDEN hour.  They drink about 3-4 oz then and they will sleep all the way to 6 am ish.  I have a monitor in my bedroom so usually I hear one of them stirring around 3 am but they put themselves back to sleep.  Last night I didn't hear any stirring until 4 am so we have gained an hour of soundless sleep :).

     I keep the 6 am feeding silent.  No lights, no noise, and no talking to the girls.  I change them and then take them to the kitchen for a feeding.  They only feed for about 10 min (drink about 3-4 oz) and then back to bed for three hours.

     Our day starts at 9 - 9:30 ish.  I turn the lights on, open the blinds, and sing my "good morning" song to the girls.  I try to make it as inviting as possible.  The girls pick out their clothes for the day; usually they pick out a onsie and a pair of pants.  They are such fashionistas already, at such a young age. I wonder where they get it from?  Just kidding, I am just glad the outfit is in the same general color scheme.  Sometimes matchy matchy, most times not.  :) Sorry Grandma.

     During my endless hours of research to make sure I am doing what I am suppose to be doing, a friend sent me this link that explained a lot.  Did you know there is a thing called the "witching hour" or "happy hour" for babies?  Apparently starting at 2 weeks of age til about 12 weeks of age, babies tend to cry for no reason and more so in the evening time.  I had no idea, but it explains A LOT.  From my research I found that people call it "PURPLE" crying.

PURPLE Acronym

      The research says that it peaks at 8 weeks of age; sooooo true because my girls are 9 weeks old now and I was pulling out my hair trying to understand what was going on.  After finding this article it makes more sense.  The girls are doing what they are suppose to be doing!  I am doing what I am suppose to be doing; phew.
     I wish there was ONE book that walked new parents through the stages.  I have to find all this important info in so many different resources.  I guess that is one of the main reasons for this blog.  I want any new mom that comes across it, to have the info they need in ONE place.  I am such a trail blazer; ha, just kidding :)...just being my typical overachieving self :).  Always an adventure :).

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