Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Grandma Daycare Trial Run

Tuesday December 3, 2013

I had to go into school today to give a lecture on my experience at Auschwitz to the 8th grade classes so we had a trial run at Grandma Daycare today.  I got up at 5:15 am and was able to feed, change, shower, eat, and be out the door to Mom's house by 6:20...proud of myself if I do say so! Mom watched the girls from 6:30 am to 12 pm and I have to say Mom had more of an adventure than I did today :)....It is always an adventure with the twins.

It is still difficult for me to leave the girls.  I miss them tremendously as soon as I step out the door to leave.  I did call Grandma's house every chance I could to see how the twins were doing and they were always fine.  I feel lucky I have my mom to leave them with instead of a stranger at some germ infested daycare (my take).

Being a single parent is NEVER easy but it has become my normal so I have to laugh now when I reflect on the day. I arrived at Mom's, after I left school, just in time to help with the noon feeding. Right after that, she couldn't shoo me out of the house fast enough.  I think she actually said, "I hate to kick you out, but...."  Truthfully, I'm sure she was exhausted.  The girls gave her a workout and she was ready for a break.  I know how much she loves the girls, and me, so I didn't take the quick exit as anything insulting.  She said she will be better prepared for tomorrow when I have to go back to school and give my presentation again :)
This is a picture Mom emailed me to show me that everything was great....little did I know at the time that this peaceful bliss lasted only 5 minutes (suppose to be "twin time" to play but turned into a quick nap time) and then they were awake and fussy

Here is Mom's facebook post about today:

"Took Care of the 8 week old Twins this morning ALONE while Emily made her yearly History presentation at her Mid-High School upon request. I remember saying "Oh sure, no problem, I'll watch the girls"....From 6:30am to 12:45pm I was BUSY. Couldn't seem to synchronize anything (key)...Started out fine and soon the girls wanted to see me run so they changed it up a bit...One wanted to eat and the other didn't...One wanted to sleep and the other didn't...They both wanted to be held at the same time (figure that one out)...ALL MORNING LONG. I tried making some breakfast for myself three times. Longest morning I've had in a long time. OMG. Glad Emily knows I love those twins 'cuz I felt a tad guilty pushing all 3 out the door in a hurry when Emily finally showed up to take them home. An interesting experience for Grandma Sharon for sure..............."

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