Thursday, December 26, 2013

First Cold


Adelyn is powering through her cold!
Well...the inevitable happened...the girls got their first cold.  Adelyn caught it first.  On Christmas Eve she woke up with a runny nose, cough, and sneezes.  She was pretty miserable all day but despite that, she wore her smiles like a champ.  I called the doctor and he basically said that I should unclog her nose with the pump ball thingy and make a saline solution (1/8 tp salt to 8oz water) and put it in her nose.
Clara was trying to sleep off her cold in this pic
     She did NOT like the saline solution going into her nose but it did seem to help her breathe better.  The ball pump thingy didn't really do much.  I think it is too big for her nostrils.
     Clara eventually got the cold as well.  It hit her full force today (12-26) and her poor little nose is just a running away.  She doesn't mind me wiping it unlike Adelyn who puts herself into a fit when I try to clean her nose.  It must be sooo sensitive.  Poor girl.  I just want to make it all better for her!!!

   So far, luckily, I have avoided the germs that are flying around this house...thank god for
     We are on day three of being sick so hopefully it has run it's course and will be moving on here soon!!

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