Monday, December 2, 2013

2 Month Check Up


Today the girls had their 2 month doctor appointment.  This is a big appointment because they get their vaccinations today.  Mom came with me to help with the girls.  I don't know what I would do without her help!  The girls are so lucky to have her for a grandma!

   Adelyn:  weighs 10 pounds 14 oz (50 percentile)
                22 inches long
                head is 38 cm
                has a rash on her chest but turns out it is baby acne.  Will go away over time
                Vaccinations:  3 shots in one thigh and 2 shots in the other thigh; 1 oral
 She cried through the whole ordeal; her thighs are very swollen now and she is VERY fussy.  She cried through out her feeding and it took a lot to get her to calm down.  Doctor said to give her a bath because the warm water should help.  I will do that after she wakes up.  Poor girl.  It is hard on a mom to watch your children in pain and not be able to soothe them.  She should be better by tomorrow though.

   Clara:  weighs 9 pounds 14 oz (24 percentile)
             22 inches long
             head is 38 cm
             Dr. said to add 2 oz of water a day to help with her bowel movements
             added 400 IU of vit. D supplement a day
             Right eye is still goopy.  Eye tear duct is not fully developed.  Dr. said it could take up to 10 months to fully develop.
              Vaccinations:  3 shots in one thigh and 2 shots in the other thigh; 1 oral

She SCREAMED through the shots.  Her Mariah Carey lungs were in full octave force.  Pretty sure she could have shattered glass if there had been any around.  She is still extremely fussy and keeping her lungs ready for American Idol tryouts.

While I was holding the one getting the shots, Grandma Sharon was out in the hall comforting the other!  I definitely couldn't have gone through this experience without her!  It was so nice having her there to help comfort the girls, and me :).

Going to be a long night for me. It is hard to comfort two screaming babies,,,,headache meds are on the ready.

Update:  Clara continued to scream through out the night and Grandpa Lloyd and Grandma Sharon came over to help me at 6:30.  It is very hard to comfort two screaming babies when you are only one person!  Thank goodness they live close!!

At the 10 pm feeding I was back on my own and both girls were over the hump.  They were both so happy that I almost didn't want to put them to bed.  Even Clara was all smiles!!!!  I love my girls!

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