Thursday, January 9, 2014

3 Months Old

Thursday Jan. 9th

The girls are three months old today.  Officially they were 3 months old last week but since they were born on the 9th, today is the day.  It seems that up until 3 months, I was counting their age by weeks but once they reached the three month mark, I am fine with counting their age by months...I am glad that we don't still do that.  I would be SEVERALLY old if we still counted by months.  (459 months old...yikes)
     I can't believe that three months have flown by already.  Three months ago seems like a life time and so short awhile at the same time.

Here are some statistics of the girls at this stage:

         Weight:  13.4 pounds
           12/26/13  first belly laugh
          Still smiling all the time
           "talking" all the time
           Eating about 30oz a day
           Bedtime at 8:30pm and sleeps until about 5am
         Still sleeps in napper (in her own crib)
           12/24/13 first cold.  Lasted about 12 days
           Hates taking naps (sleeps about 30 min a time)
           Weight:  12.4 pounds
           Smiling more
           Babbling a bit
           Doesn't like "tummy time"
           Eating about 26 oz a day
           Bedtime at 8:30pm and sleeps until about 5am
           Still sleeps in napper (in her own crib)
           12/24/13 first cold.  Lasted about 12 days
          Loves taking naps/good sleeper

Needless to say, that I am one proud momma!

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