Saturday, October 18, 2014

11 Month

Life got a little busy after the girls turned 10 with twins busy...who knew?

Here is a brief recap of the highlights at 11 months:
24.2 lbs
Doesn’t really say any words
“yells” a lot with babble
Does understand the word “no”
Takes Clara’s toys and when I tell her “no”   
       she gets mad and cries
Wears size 2t
Size 4 diapers
Crawls EVERYWHERE and fast
Pulls herself up to her knees
Sleeps with giraffe and sucks on tail
24 lbs
Says: mama, ah oh, wow, kiddy
            (kitty), Daisy (dog)
Talks all the time
Very musical
Wears size 2t
Size 4 diapers
Goes to PT 1x/wk for gross motor
          skills help
Stands without help
Sleeps with pacifier

Here are some picture highlights:

The girls are loving to explore all the books
They do their best to irritate the other :)
Their fingers are always in their mouth but you
can still see their smiles through those fingers
Clara is starting to take charge.  She was
driving the shopping cart at the grocery store

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