Saturday, October 18, 2014

Pumpkin Farm


On their one year birthday my mom and I took the girls to the pumpkin farm.  There is a local farm close to my house and I was sooooo excited to take the girls.  It was during the week so I hoped that it wouldn't be crowded and we could spend some quality time making memories.  I heard from my mom later, that she was actually dreading going because she envisioned lots of walking, mud, and more mud.  As it turns out, that couldn't have been further from the truth.
      We went to Charlton Farms in Lake Stevens area and there was barely anyone there!  A daycare was there for a field trip, but that was about it.  We were able to park very close to everything we needed.  We stayed up where the barn was and they had bins of pumpkins already picked that you could choose from.  If you want, there is a tractor that can take you down to the fields so you can pick your own pumpkin but seeing as the girls couldn't walk and probably won't remember we were even there, we opted to skip that option.
     We strolled the girls around and got some good photo ops and then I picked us each out a small pumpkin.  I think we were there maybe 30 minutes and we experienced all that we needed to experience.  I think the pictures will do most of the telling for this blog post! Enjoy.
The parking is so close to the farm

Gramma and the girls

first main photo op.  Clara loved the pumpkins

this pretty much sums it up.  Adelyn looks one way, and Clara
can't sit still!  I love my girls!

Clara was VERY fascinated with the stems of the pumpkins

This just makes me laugh.  I tried to hold
their hands to show how tall they were against the ruler
but Clara was more fascinated with her feet than smiling
for the picture!  And Adelyn is trying to crawl up my leg!
Life is hilarious and you just have to laugh

My girls

Three generations!  I can't wait to make this
pumpkin farm a yearly tradition

The girls were loving the goats.  Adelyn wanted to feed her
pumpkin to one of them.

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