Saturday, October 18, 2014

One Year Celebration


Auntie Carla made the Fabulous
cupcakes and came over early
to help set up!
 On Sunday Oct 12, 2014 we celebrated the girls' first birthday.  As many of you know, I am a single mom and it has been my dream to be a mom for a long time.  This has been a long journey and this one year birthday was so much more than my girls just turning one.  It took over two years for them to be here and I was OVER THE MOON excited to celebrate their first birthday. It was my 'birth-day' as well.
    I started planning their party probably in August.  I did my research on Pinterest and picked up items here and there as I was out shopping.  When you are a single parent, of twins, you never save things to the last minute.  I decided their theme would be Pretty in Pink so anytime I was out, and saw pink food, decorations, etc, I would get them.  As the party date approached, there were only the final details to finalize instead of a major party to prepare for last minute.
     Last February I also moved into my forever home so this party was going to be not only a birthday
Pretty in Pink
Marissa and Adelyn
party, but a house warming party since many of the people coming hadn't been to my house yet.  I wanted everything to look perfect :).  A week prior to the party, I created a list of jobs that I needed to do each night.  I cleaned a room every night and decluttered what I could.  When you have a dog and two children, you can accumulate a lot of clutter :).

    I actually was very nervous for the party.  I am a people pleaser and I want to make sure other people are having a great time.  It stresses me out thinking that someone is not having a good time at my house.  I had great help setting up for the party on the actual day though!  My aunt Mary Jane and Aunt Bets were going to arrive around 12:30 (party started at 2 and they live three hours away) to help set up and my sister in law got to my house around 10 am to help set up the cupcakes and decorations.
Cousin Jen
   My cousin Jen brought me a caffeine jolt around 12 and by the time my mom, aunt, and good friend Marissa showed up to help set up, most things were done.  I was actually able to sit and visit before the party.  My mom and Lloyd showed up early as well and got to visit with my aunt which was nice.
Singing Happy Birthday
         The party started at two and I think there was 29 adults and 15 children at my house.  I don't actually remember the party.  I was so busy running around that I don't think I even held my daughters once.  Everyone was having a great time and the girls were perfect. My mom's quartet was even there and sang a beautiful song to the girls.  I love hearing them sing and I was so glad that my friends/family were able to hear them sing as well.
     Most everyone left around 4 and my mom, Lloyd, brother, sis in law stayed to help entertain the girls while I cleaned up a bit.  They helped give them a much needed bath and get them to bed. The girls had had so much fun at the party that they just crashed at 5:30.  I didn't hear a peep out of them until the next morning when I woke them up to take them to my mom's.
     The party was a success and I just want to thank everyone that came!  You all mean the world to me and I just appreciate you all so much!
Uncle Kevin and Auntie Carla

The girls surrounded by love

Clara wasn't too sure about the cake at first

Although it doesn't look it, Adelyn dug right in

Mom's (Gramma) quartet sang to the girls

Uncle Kevin and Adelyn pondering something

Clara and Gramma Sharon

Surrounded by love
Auntie Carla made the wonderful cupcakes
and birthday cake for each girl

Auntie Carla even decorated the cakes with
princess crowns! So clever!
Great Aunt Mary Jane with the girls


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