Sunday, August 17, 2014

Ten Months


This month the girls turned ten months in Hawaii!  How many people can say they lived through an earthquake (on the Big Island 4.5), and the threat of two hurricanes when they turned 10 months old?  Not many, I am sure.  Always part of the adventure :)

Every stage the girls have been through, has been my favorite.  Each new stage of development brings new adventures, experiences, and laughter.  Ten months has been a fun stage so far.  Adelyn is crawling now and I have finally had to start baby proofing the house.  Clara is taking her time enjoying her surroundings and bringing love to all those close to her.

The girls' personalities are definitely shining through and seem to be sooo differnet than each other. Adelyn is outgoing and such the flirt.  She is the alpha sister and has a stubborness to prove it.  When she "talks" she yells.  She doesn't calmly babble, she yells her thoughts so that everyone around her (and the next block) can hear her, where as Clara is more observant and the "old soul."  She "talks/babbles" allllll the time. She is always talking.  She will talk to the wall if you let her.

Even though their personalities may be very different, they are very similar in many ways.  They both are very happy babies and have smiles that light up the room.  They both light up whenever I, Gramma, or Grandpa, or anyone they are close to walks in the room.  Both girls have a sharp memory.  You can show them something and then hide it while they watch you put it away.  Time can pass and they will eventually go and get whatever you hid.  They don't miss anything.  They are the light of my life and warm my heart, and those that are close to them, everyday.  My life is better because they are in it and I am one very very very PROUD MAMA (as I know my Mom is a proud Gramma and so on).

The girls can hold their own bottles now
The girls don't want anyone knowing how old they are
They kept peeling off the sticker so we tried putting it on
Adelyn's head....
That didn't work, so we tried putting it on Clara's head
That didn't we got rid of the sticker 
Smiles that just melt your heart
This picture is just too funny not to include...just shows
their different personalities :)
Poor Adelyn...a mini melt down...This would be a fun
picture to create funny captions for...
Just look at that smile and the observant
eyes behind it :)
The girls eating by themselves in their high chairs
A great visit with their Great Aunt Mary Jane (the girls
have their middle names from her)
Aunt Bets and Aunt Mary Jane
Three generations:  My aunt Mary Jane 
Adelyn is such a ham

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