Saturday, October 18, 2014

One Year Celebration


Auntie Carla made the Fabulous
cupcakes and came over early
to help set up!
 On Sunday Oct 12, 2014 we celebrated the girls' first birthday.  As many of you know, I am a single mom and it has been my dream to be a mom for a long time.  This has been a long journey and this one year birthday was so much more than my girls just turning one.  It took over two years for them to be here and I was OVER THE MOON excited to celebrate their first birthday. It was my 'birth-day' as well.
    I started planning their party probably in August.  I did my research on Pinterest and picked up items here and there as I was out shopping.  When you are a single parent, of twins, you never save things to the last minute.  I decided their theme would be Pretty in Pink so anytime I was out, and saw pink food, decorations, etc, I would get them.  As the party date approached, there were only the final details to finalize instead of a major party to prepare for last minute.
     Last February I also moved into my forever home so this party was going to be not only a birthday
Pretty in Pink
Marissa and Adelyn
party, but a house warming party since many of the people coming hadn't been to my house yet.  I wanted everything to look perfect :).  A week prior to the party, I created a list of jobs that I needed to do each night.  I cleaned a room every night and decluttered what I could.  When you have a dog and two children, you can accumulate a lot of clutter :).

    I actually was very nervous for the party.  I am a people pleaser and I want to make sure other people are having a great time.  It stresses me out thinking that someone is not having a good time at my house.  I had great help setting up for the party on the actual day though!  My aunt Mary Jane and Aunt Bets were going to arrive around 12:30 (party started at 2 and they live three hours away) to help set up and my sister in law got to my house around 10 am to help set up the cupcakes and decorations.
Cousin Jen
   My cousin Jen brought me a caffeine jolt around 12 and by the time my mom, aunt, and good friend Marissa showed up to help set up, most things were done.  I was actually able to sit and visit before the party.  My mom and Lloyd showed up early as well and got to visit with my aunt which was nice.
Singing Happy Birthday
         The party started at two and I think there was 29 adults and 15 children at my house.  I don't actually remember the party.  I was so busy running around that I don't think I even held my daughters once.  Everyone was having a great time and the girls were perfect. My mom's quartet was even there and sang a beautiful song to the girls.  I love hearing them sing and I was so glad that my friends/family were able to hear them sing as well.
     Most everyone left around 4 and my mom, Lloyd, brother, sis in law stayed to help entertain the girls while I cleaned up a bit.  They helped give them a much needed bath and get them to bed. The girls had had so much fun at the party that they just crashed at 5:30.  I didn't hear a peep out of them until the next morning when I woke them up to take them to my mom's.
     The party was a success and I just want to thank everyone that came!  You all mean the world to me and I just appreciate you all so much!
Uncle Kevin and Auntie Carla

The girls surrounded by love

Clara wasn't too sure about the cake at first

Although it doesn't look it, Adelyn dug right in

Mom's (Gramma) quartet sang to the girls

Uncle Kevin and Adelyn pondering something

Clara and Gramma Sharon

Surrounded by love
Auntie Carla made the wonderful cupcakes
and birthday cake for each girl

Auntie Carla even decorated the cakes with
princess crowns! So clever!
Great Aunt Mary Jane with the girls


Pumpkin Farm


On their one year birthday my mom and I took the girls to the pumpkin farm.  There is a local farm close to my house and I was sooooo excited to take the girls.  It was during the week so I hoped that it wouldn't be crowded and we could spend some quality time making memories.  I heard from my mom later, that she was actually dreading going because she envisioned lots of walking, mud, and more mud.  As it turns out, that couldn't have been further from the truth.
      We went to Charlton Farms in Lake Stevens area and there was barely anyone there!  A daycare was there for a field trip, but that was about it.  We were able to park very close to everything we needed.  We stayed up where the barn was and they had bins of pumpkins already picked that you could choose from.  If you want, there is a tractor that can take you down to the fields so you can pick your own pumpkin but seeing as the girls couldn't walk and probably won't remember we were even there, we opted to skip that option.
     We strolled the girls around and got some good photo ops and then I picked us each out a small pumpkin.  I think we were there maybe 30 minutes and we experienced all that we needed to experience.  I think the pictures will do most of the telling for this blog post! Enjoy.
The parking is so close to the farm

Gramma and the girls

first main photo op.  Clara loved the pumpkins

this pretty much sums it up.  Adelyn looks one way, and Clara
can't sit still!  I love my girls!

Clara was VERY fascinated with the stems of the pumpkins

This just makes me laugh.  I tried to hold
their hands to show how tall they were against the ruler
but Clara was more fascinated with her feet than smiling
for the picture!  And Adelyn is trying to crawl up my leg!
Life is hilarious and you just have to laugh

My girls

Three generations!  I can't wait to make this
pumpkin farm a yearly tradition

The girls were loving the goats.  Adelyn wanted to feed her
pumpkin to one of them.

12 Months/ 1 Year


Here are their stats:

Weight:   25lbs 9.2 oz (98%)

Height:  2’8” tall (100%)
Head:  46.5 cm (87%)
Loves to mimic people
Crawls everywhere
Loves to stand
Walks behind walker
Steals Clara’s toys
Understands what NO means
Sleeps with giraffe and sucks
      On tail
Very PICKY eater
Loves blueberries, raspberries, crackers
Says:  mama, kiddy, no, dank yu, daisy, sista
Weight:  25 lbs 14.1 oz (98%)
      1st time Clara weighs more
      than Adelyn!!!
Height:  2’8.5” tall  (100%)
Head:  47.5 cm (97%)
Favorite word:  NO
Doesn't crawl but scoots
Sleeps with pacifier
Loves most foods
Doesn't particularly like:
      Blueberries, raspberries,
      Plain oatmeal
Loves cheese, veggies
Says:  mama, kiddy, no, dank yu, daisy, wow, ah oh, weee, sista

WOOOOOOWWW!!!!  We have made it a year.  I cannot believe that it has already been a year.  This time last year, I didn't think I was going to survive.  I was suffering from severe sleep deprivation and I didn't see the light at the end of the tunnel.  The babies were up every two hours and their routine consisted of sleep, eat, poop, repeat. 
      As time went on, things got easier and it has been an absolute joy, honor, and treasured experience to watch the girls grow.  Their personalities have developed and they have become their own little people.
Adelyn 's brain is always thinking
 Adelyn has a spunk that lights up any room.  Her sense of humor is sharp and she can just look at you and give you that twinkle she has, and she has you.  It doesn't matter how bad of a mood you are in, she will make you laugh.  She gets it.  She reads you, and does exactly what you need to make you smile.   Along with her fabulous sense of humor, she loves to shake her head no...but she does it with a smile... she looks at you, smiles with her mouth and eyes, and then shakes her head can you be mad at someone who does can't!  She LOVES LOVES to pull herself up onto EVERYTHING.  She will crawl to whatever and then pull herself up to a standing position.  She has even walked by herself behind a baby walker for a short period of time.  Any day now, she is going to be off running, instead of crawling and then I am in trouble.        Adelyn also picks up clever habits.  Her latest one is to cough at you.  If she is ever lost in a crowd of babies, I can easily find her because all I will have to do is cough twice…cough cough… and she repeats it back.  She does it on her own first sometimes too…after she coughs twice she looks around to find me and when I cough twice back at her, she gets a huge grin and giggles.  WOW! Little amazing brains!
She left the hat on for about 3
seconds so I could take the pic
Her vocabulary is limited but she does say, kiddy (kitty), die die ( bye bye), mama, hi, waz zat (what’s that) and my mom swears she heard her say "sister" the other day.  She is a SUPER picky eater as well.  I don’t know if she has a keen sense of smell and immediately is turned off by the food or she is just stubborn.  Probably a little of both.  She will squint up her face and sputter out air as you are trying to put food in her mouth.  She locks up that mouth of hers pretty tight.  While she does that, I turn and feed Clara and eventually Adelyn opens her mouth for a bite.  70% of the time, she actually likes the food that she originally protested against.  The other 30% of the time, she legitimately hates the food we try to give her.
          Clara is very different than her sister. She has a very high vocabulary. Every day
Clara has eyes that can look right into your soul
she seems to learn a new word.  She says mama, no (which I think is her favorite word), woooow, ah oh, kiddy (kitty), daisy ( mom's dog's name is Daisy so now every dog is named Daisy), die die (bye bye), hi, waz zat;    her sister tends to steal most toys she is playing with so she has gotten really good at saying NO!  She yells "NO!" and then shakes her head no and waves her arms across her body to mean no.  She even tells our dog, Nalla, "No" when she gets too close to her while she is eating.  In many videos I have taken of the girls, you can hear Clara in the background yelling "no" to someone or thing :).   She also is sooo polite.  Whenever you take something from her or she is down with something she will hold out the item, and say “thank you” (sounds like dank yu).  Toooooo sweet!!!!
Clara is such a character!  She just makes
me laugh all the time
 Clara is such an observer. She pays careful attention to what is going on around her and never forgets.  She can see you do something once or put something somewhere and she won't forget. In addition, Clara is very dramatic. If she doesn't like something she will put her hand to her head and shake her head no.  She has a “sigh” down pact and just melts your heart with her smile…all two bottom teeth of hers.  (which by the way, hurt like HELL when she tries to give you a kiss and bites down on a part of your cheek…I am pretty sure my face is permanently  scared from all the scratch marks from the girls and bite marks.)
Unlike her sister, Clara eats everything.  She is so willing to try new foods and
on rare occasions, she refuses to eat certain things.  You can tell the food must truly be bad, if Clara won’t eat it.
Both girls go to my mom’s house for daycare.  I can’t even express how blessed I
This was taken the morning of their birthday!  Such happy girls
am that my mother lives close and can watch the girls.  Mom’s house is set up as a home away from home for the girls and they have their routines down to a science.  Every morning I get to my mom’s around 6 am.  Mom has their bottles and breakfast ready.  I help feed them and then we take them into the play room to change them.  I leave around 6:15 and usually around 6:30 Lloyd comes down and eats his cereal in the play room.  The girls love to huddle around him on the floor and he feeds them bites of his cereal.   Mom keeps the girls entertained all throughout the day and I love hearing about how her day when I pick them up around 3.  The girls make Mom (Gramma) laugh everyday and I enjoy hearing about all the day’s activities.  I don’t know if I have her enough but I am soooooo truly thankful for all her help!  There are people in this world that would drop anything for you and help you out in a time of need.  I don’t have too many people in my life like that and she is one of them!  Thank you Mom!  You are an inspiration and I hope that I can be as good of a mother to my girls as you were to me.  You are my rock and role model and the girls are so lucky to have you as their Gramma!
The other day the girls had their one year check up.  I have learned that I have to plan for a long stay wherever we go, just in case and sure enough, I was glad that I did.  Our appointment was at 3:30 but we got there at 3:30 to check in.  They got us back pretty quick and the doctor was very happy with their progress.  It was the first time that Clara actually weighs more than Adelyn…on a side note, Clara has been sucking down her milk like no tomorrow.
Happy Birthday 
After the appointment they told us there was a 30 minute wait at the shots room.  We could either come back tomorrow or wait.  I wasn’t going to have my mom bring the girls in for their shots on her own, so we waited, and waited, and waited.  I think we waited about 40 minutes.  Luckily, I had packed food and snacks so we were able to keep the girls busy until they called us back.  Finally around 4:50 they called us back.  The moment of dread!!  I took Adelyn first while Mom had Clara in the hall.  There were two nurses and they decided to give the shots at the same time.  Adelyn needed six shots (three per leg).  The nurses were FABULOUS and did the best they could but despite their careful touch, Adelyn started screaming.  I was holding her in my lap and had her arms pinned to her chest while she screamed in my ear.  I am a STRONG believer in vaccinations and the ends justify the means but man, it tugs on your heart strings when your child is in pain.  After the shots I hugged her and she buried her head into my shoulder.  I had to pass her off to Mom so I could do Clara.  I could hear Adelyn screaming “mama, mama mama” in the hall.  It was the first time that she has actually called for me and I couldn’t help her.  She has never called for me before and man, that was tough. 
The nurses repeated the procedure for Clara.  Unfortunately for me and the nurses,
Gramma and Granpa Marquardt got the girls chairs for
their birthday and they LOVE them.  Clara has such
perfect posture whereas Adelyn just melts into her chair
Clara has a high pitch scream and she didn’t disappoint.  I think my head still hurts from her cries.  She actually recovered after the shots a lot faster than Adelyn; she cried for a couple minutes but then was back to her normal self .
We didn’t get home until around 5:45 so Mom stayed to help give the girls baths and bottles.  The girls slept “like babies” all night.  For the record, whoever created that term, “sleep like babies” wasn’t a parent.  Slept like a baby is supposed to refer to a solid night sleep…that is so far from the truth as you could get.  Most babies wake up every few hours and even my girls wake up every 3 hours starting at 12 am…sleep like babies, my behind.   Anyway, I digress…they slept so well, I actually went up to make sure they were still breathing.

10/18/14 update:  Clara actually sat up in her crib for the FIRST time ever.  She has been struggling with getting up if she is lying on her back.  She just can’t do it.  We have been going to PT once a week for a couple months and it is helping soooo much.  Today, I went into their room after nap time, and Clara was in her crib, SITTING, and looking at me.  I thought it was a onetime thing, but she did it again after her second nap!  YEAH CLARA!!!!

Adelyn actually got herself from the floor ONTO the couch and then stood up on the couch while she looked over the back of the couch!  OMG!  She was strong enough to pull herself up!  I am in trouble!  Today marks the day that life with the twins has taken a new turn on our adventure.

11 Month

Life got a little busy after the girls turned 10 with twins busy...who knew?

Here is a brief recap of the highlights at 11 months:
24.2 lbs
Doesn’t really say any words
“yells” a lot with babble
Does understand the word “no”
Takes Clara’s toys and when I tell her “no”   
       she gets mad and cries
Wears size 2t
Size 4 diapers
Crawls EVERYWHERE and fast
Pulls herself up to her knees
Sleeps with giraffe and sucks on tail
24 lbs
Says: mama, ah oh, wow, kiddy
            (kitty), Daisy (dog)
Talks all the time
Very musical
Wears size 2t
Size 4 diapers
Goes to PT 1x/wk for gross motor
          skills help
Stands without help
Sleeps with pacifier

Here are some picture highlights:

The girls are loving to explore all the books
They do their best to irritate the other :)
Their fingers are always in their mouth but you
can still see their smiles through those fingers
Clara is starting to take charge.  She was
driving the shopping cart at the grocery store