Friday, April 17, 2015

18 Month Check Up

18 Month Check Up 4-17-15

As I have always stated, life is an adventure, especially with twins.  At the girls' 15 month check up we went to a new doctor.  There was nothing particularly wrong with the old doctor; we just changed insurances and this new doctor was closer to home...a major plus when you are trying to cart two youngsters around.
      This new doctor is VERY knowledgeable and I trust her medical opinions, I just didn't feel a personal connection with her.  Our first appointment I explained that I was a single parent and that my mom is my support, blah blah blah.  Towards the end of the appointment, she expressed concern and asked me if they ever saw their is no father...I explained that already...strike one.  Then she made a comment about how other twin moms that see her bring their twins in separately...really??  Who has the time...well I do apparently.  I decided to schedule the girls their own 18 month check up appointment.  I figured I would use it as one on one time and it would be a bonding time...not so much.
         Clara was first on Tuesday.  They scheduled us two days early for her immunizations so in the
end I had to bring her back on Friday when I took much for individual bonding time.  Strike two.  Strike three came when I asked her about Clara's lack of cuddling interest.  She said that it was just her temperament and hopefully her husband won't  How about, hopefully her MOM won't mind....what if Clara doesn't want to get married? or turns out gay?  I just got a major feeling that this doctor had very traditional views (and there is NOTHING wrong with that) but we aren't a traditional family.  Our next appointment is at 2 years old so hopefully I will have found another doctor and we can start this process over again.  Needless to say, I will NOT be scheduling separate and done.
           Both girls are doing AMAZING.  So far 18 months is MY FAVORITE!!  The girls' brains are developing at warp speed and they are noticing everything around them.  My life is filled with, "WOWs" and "ooohhhh" and "where did it go??"
   Adelyn started walking at 17 months.  I was wondering when she would give it a go.  Our PT said that one day her mind would just click and off she would go...and that she did.  She started off slow but nothing is stopping her now.  I rarely see her crawl.  She prefers to walk EVERYWHERE.  She particularly loves playing "can I get by you" with my mom.  Adelyn will have a location she is determined to get to and my mom will block her path.  Trying to outsmart my mom, Adelyn will play a virtual soccer game and end up losing.  
           Hammering has become a passion of hers.  She loves grabbing the toy hammer and pounding the balls into their holes.  She gets such a serious look on her face too. It is VERY hard not to crack up while watching her.
         Clara has just started walking this week!!! THANK GOD!!!  She has

been diagnosed as developmentally delayed in her gross motor skills.  We have qualified for Birth to Three program so an OT comes to my mom's house every other week and works with Clara on her walking skills.  Most children are what's called, "bow legged".  Their legs bow out like a cowboy riding a horse.  As they get older the legs start to straighten and viola...straight legs.  Clara is "knocked kneed".  Her thighs go in at the knee and then bow out.  It looks like an upside down V.  She has very limited muscle tone in her legs and hips so walking has been a major struggle for her.  The great news is that all the therapies that we are doing is working!  She sees Sarah, our amazing OT every other week and she goes to a pediatric chiropractor 1-2 times a week.  My mom and I work extensively on her walking exercises and she is making huge progress.  Her confidence is building and she isn't letting it slow her down!

           The twins are such polar opposites at this point in their lives as well.  Adelyn is my affectionate, cuddler.  She loves giving me kisses and hugs and one of her favorite things is to snuggle with me in the morning before we all get up.  Clara is more independent.   She doesn't like to be held and she is very selective with her kisses.   When the girls eat, Clara becomes her food.  She loves to become ONE with the food whereas Adelyn is a delicate eater and freaks out if there is "something on her finger."  Usually Adelyn's pinky finger is sticking out while she is eating...such the lady.  Clara is going to be my trouble maker.  She loves to explore anything she can open or get her hands on.  My mom made a comment the other day, which is just so true.  You could trust Adelyn to explore the whole house and
she wouldn't do anything she isn't suppose to do.  Clara, on the other hand, would have every content of every cabinet out on the floor.  Adelyn loves jewelry and being girly girly whereas Clara is my tom boy and is hiking up her pants and getting her hands dirty.  Adelyn loves walking around with her hat on and Clara yanks it off as soon as you put it on.  They are only 18 months old and already two completely different individuals.  Both are such characters and I couldn't love them more.  I am the luckiest mom in the world.  I have the best two girls who spend their days smiling and laughing.

Adelyn:  weight:  28 lbs 6.4 oz (96%)
               height  33.27 (89%)
               head:  47.6 cm (83%)

Clara:   weight:  31 lbs 6.4 oz (99%)
             height:  35.5 inches (100%)
             head:  48.3 cm (93%)

Adelyn and Gramma
Clara and Mama
Clara and her OT Sarah

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