Friday, July 11, 2014


7-11-14 9th Month Check Up

As I have said before and I will say it again, everyday is a new adventure and a treasure with the girls.  Their personalities continue to shine and develop and I could stare at them for hours watching them discover the world.   I love them to the moon and back!!

 Here are their stats:

Weight: 23.7 lbs (98th percentile)
Height: 2'5" (92nd percentile)
Head: 45.7 cm (92nd percentile)

*Can sit securely with few tip overs; If she does tip, she rolls to her side, and onto her stomach
*Still HATES taking naps and going to bed; cries
*Sleeps with three dolls:  pink giraffe, brown giraffe   and pink bear blanket
*Still likes to steal whatever Clara has, even if she  has the same thing
*Loves to eat
*Can pick up food items with fingers and get most  of it in her mouth
*Doesn't hold bottle when drinking
*Wearing size 2T
*Wearing size 4 diaper
*Loves Nalla (our dog)
*Likes water but not a super fan of it in her face
*Hates face being touched
*Stands on her own while holding on to couch
*Loves "singing"
*"Sings" after done drinking bottle
*Diagnosed with Urticaria Pigmentosa at 8.5 months
*4 teeth: two front top and bottom teeth

Weight: 22.3 lbs (95th percentile)
Height: 2'5.5" (97th percentile)
Head: 46.8 cm (99th percentile)

*Can sit securely by herself with a couple tip overs
*Sleeping MUCH better during naps and nighttime
*Doesn't want pacifier as much but definitely still wants it to sleep and when stressed
*Sleeps with my pillow case, giraffe, and bear  blanket
*Has  developed a "back bone" when it comes to her sister.  When Adelyn steals something Clara is not letting go of it or is getting it back.
*Keeps food in her mouth (use to spit half out)
*Can pick up food items with fingers and get it IN mouth :)
*Loves graham crackers, mums, and puffs
*Holds  the bottle while drinking (I barely secure it)
*Wearing size 2T
*Wearing size 4 diaper
*LOVES LOVES LOVES dogs and animals
*Still won't straighten legs or stand; working on it
*Loves "talking"
*Loves doing the Indian chant with someone's hand
*2 bottom front teeth

Here are some pictures from the last month:
Adelyn loves "talking" to her sister.  Quite hilarious!!!
Adelyn and Clara having a conversation
Adelyn is showing off her 4 teeth (two upper and two lower)
I love it when they look at each other and engage with each other
Clara's foot is on the left; Adelyn's foot is on the right
The girls went to visit Grandpa Dykstra at his dental office
Adelyn still sleeps with her pink giraffe (along with two other dolls)
Clara is starting to roll to her side when she sleeps
We spent the 4th of July morning with Auntie Rhonda and her twin boys
4th of July 
Adelyn has a new "scrunchy face" face
Clara is always exploring and touching...such a thinker
I just love the girls' expressions in this picture with Gramma
4th of July dresses
New size 2 T dresses :)

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