Tuesday, June 17, 2014


 June 2014 8 Months

It is an amazing adventure I am on.  Eight months is even better than seven!

Weighs 22.6 pounds
Weighs 21.4 pounds
Very inquisitive
Sits by herself
Loves stealing her sister's pacifier while it is in Clara's mouth
Loves her pacifier
Picks items up with fingers
Hates going to sleep now
Hates "mixed vegies"
Talks A LOT
Loves "jumping"
Loves Nalla.  Eyes get so big when she sees her
2 bottom teeth
LOVES books.  Eyes get so big when she sees me bring out a book

The twins are continuing to talk to each other in their "twin talk." Lately when you are holding Adelyn she loves to use her thumb and first finger to pinch your neck and then roll the skin between her fingers.  It hurts.  She still loves to sing and is very expressive with her talking.  It is almost like she is yelling at you with a smile.  Along with her beautiful Gerber eyes, Adelyn has become quite the faker.  She fake coughs.  Gramma and Grandpa Marquardt had a bad cold for awhile and did a lot of coughing.  Adelyn has picked up the coughing technique and it is funny to see her "cough" and then laugh at herself.    She is also VERY aware of her sister.  When Clara is upset or crying, Adelyn will lean in and try to make her laugh.  Even though she loves her sister very much, she still steals all the toys that Clara has.  If Clara has it, Adelyn wants it.
     Clara is sitting very well on her own now.  She "talks" a lot and seems to have a lot to say.  She is starting
to stand up for herself in regards to her sister.  Before, when Adelyn stole her pacifier or toys, Clara would just start crying.  Now she either tries to hold onto it, throw her fists down in frustration, or steal it back.
     Both girls are still fascinated with hair.  They will find that one strand of your hair and pull, hard.  I now have wild strands of short hair around my face because both girls have ripped my hair apart.  My poor hair dresser is going to have her work cut out with me when I can finally find the time to go in.
    Bath time is a lot of fun now as well.  Before I use to have to bathe one girl at a time.  Now I can put them in their mini laundry baskets and they can play with their toys while talking to each other.  Both girls love the water and have discovered how much fun splashing can be.  I think I leave the bathroom wetter than they do.  I also got them a kiddie pool for outside.  The weather hasn't been tooooo cooperative, but the one or two days it was, the girls loved playing in the pool.  They would try to scoot their little bottoms across the pool while splashing each other.  Finally, we don't watch too much tv at my house but when we do, we watch the Baby Channel 124.  There is a program that the girls ABSOLUTELY love.  It is called, VocabuLarry.  He is a brightly colored parrot, named Larry, who learns knew vocabulary.  I don't know if it is the color of the bird, Larry or the music they play during the episode, but when he comes on, BOTH girls' eyes get soooo wide and they start kicking their feet, and they squeal in joy.  They don't do that with any other program but it is amazing to see their excitement when Larry comes on.
      On a side note, I want to give a shout out to Gramma Marquardt.  She watches them everyday while I go to work and is the best Gramma out there.  The girls love their Gramma Marquardt and I don't know what I would do without her help!  Thanks Gramma Marquardt!
     As always, I am so honored to be their mother and I look forward to every day I get to spend with them.  Every day is an adventure that I don't want to end.
They love interacting with each other and Adelyn is always ready to make her sister laugh!
Gramma and Grandpa Marquardt
We took the girls to the beach at Kirkland for a fun afternoon out :)
The girls love setting up our "picnic" in the front yard and Nalla is always there to play guard dog.
Adelyn stole her sister's pacifier and is trying to nah on it.  Must feel good on her teeth.
Clara is just the sweetest!  I love that smile!
Fun in the pool
I can see you ;)

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