Tuesday, May 6, 2014

First Tooth

May 1, 2014

Someone got her first tooth....If you look close in Adelyn's mouth, near my mom's finger on the bottom of her mouth, you can see the white little nub coming through.  It is now May 6 and the tooth has completely protruded through the gums.  It still has some growing to do still, but it is definitely a tooth.

She has been super cranky and drooling a lot lately so her tooth explains all that.  Of course Adelyn has to be her little miss trend setter self.  She is just doing something new everyday.  Miss Clara is in no hurry to catch up to her sister and is more than happy to let her sister pave her own path.  Clara is drooling more than Adelyn but it is hard to tell since she has her pacifier in her mouth most of the day.

My mom says that it is tooth "P" but I am not a dentist so I am not sure,so I will take her word for it.  If this is any indicator about Adelyn doing everything quickly then she can slow her roll on some things like terrible twos, dating, and driving. :)

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