May 9, 2014
Dear Adelyn and Clara,
Mother's Day 2014 |
You both love love love to laugh |
It is amazing how fast you are growing. I absolutely love watching you discover the world for the first time. You make me laugh everyday with your mannerisms, smiles, giggles, and facial expressions that are perfectly priceless. The last month has been filled with tremendous growth, physically and mentally. Clara, you sat for the first time today! Over the last month, you have been working so hard developing your muscles and you can now sit for a bit by yourself! You are becoming such a big girl and you should have seen the look on your face when you realized that Momma wasn't holding you up. You were doing it alllll by yourself!

You are both just so smart and your laughs make Momma's soul smile with heavenly pleasure! I remember one night, I was feeding you both and I started playing peek a boo with my eyes. You both thought that was just the funniest thing you have ever experienced. Clara thought it was so funny that her laugh reached a glass breaking octave. Adelyn turned her head to look at her sister when she did that with a look of "who are you and what did you do with my sister?" Adelyn's look was priceless and I am still laughing to myself right now as I relive the memory. I kept thinking, "what is Adelyn thinking right now?" I could tell those brain cells were working hard trying to figure out who was doing all that high pitch laughing :).
Adelyn you still hate naps and you just don't want to miss anything by going to sleep. You have
Adelyn sucking on her giraffe's ear |
started sucking on the ears/tails of the stuffed animals you are sleeping with. It is just too cute. One night I tried to take the ear out of your mouth while you were sleeping but you woke up and you were not too happy with Momma! Clara, you use to go to bed sooooo easily, but lately you are fighting it just as much as Adelyn. You just cry and cry and it tugs on Momma's heart strings. You still love having your face covered up when you sleep though. I am thinking that I need to get you some diva eye wear when you are older. :)
You both now wear size 18 months clothes. Both of you just keep growing and growing! I had all these cute 12 month clothes that you didn't get to wear because you lasted in that size for about 2 weeks. Adelyn you weigh 21.4 pounds now and Clara, you weigh 19.4 pounds.
this photo cracks me up. You two have such different
personalities. While Clara is looking down, Adelyn
you are looking up |
Talking is on both of your to do list. Both of you love to "talk" and have even started talking to each other. Adelyn you seem to sing more and Clara you are giving speeches everyday with the amount of talking you are doing.
I still think you are going to both be playing the piano someday with those long fingers of yours and you are going to be Olympic swimmers with the amount of kicking you love doing. Those legs of yours just keep kicking, kicking, kicking. It is funny to see the blankets over your laps moving up and down because you are just kicking away under there. Most of the time, it is actually hard to keep blankets on you because you just kick them off.
Well my loves, Momma is going to get some shut eye while you are down for the night. I am
You may be twins, but you are very different |
going to need all my energy so I can keep up with all your energy tomorrow! I love you both very much; beyond words to explain! Life with you is always an adventure and I never want it to end!
Adelyn's expression is priceless...always wondering
what is going on around her |
Clara just has the most priceless smile/laugh. She sat for the
first time in this photo |
Grandpa John, Auntie Mary Jane, Momma, and the girls |
Auntie Mary Jane came up to spend the day with the girls.
This is the first time she has gotten to hold them since they
were about one month old! |
I just love these two! |
21.4 lbs
19.4 lbs
Sucks on ears of stuffed animals
Sleeps with face covered
Wears 18 mo clothes
Wears 18 mo clothes
Loves food
Picky eater
Very social
Has started showing some separation anxiety
Hates taking naps
Has started hating naps
Sits on her own with rare falls
Sits on her own for short periods of time
Loves to sing
Loves to talk
Very happy baby
Very happy baby
Stands on her own with help from Momma
Loves kicking feet
Loves kicking feet
Sat in a baby pool for first time
Sat in baby pool for first time