Sunday, March 9, 2014



"old house"
WOW!  A lot has happened since my last post.  The girls are a month older and we have moved.  The house that I have been living in, I purchased from my mom over 10 years ago.  It is the house that I grew up in since I was 7.  When my mom and step dad Lloyd got married in 2004, I didn't want strangers living in "my childhood home" so I bought it.  As sad as it is (and beyond hard), it is time to start a new chapter.  There are so many memories in my old house.  Every corner of that house has some story tied to it.  It is the type of place that when you walk in the door, you just know you are "home."   It feels weird to call it the "old" house now but for easy reference that is what I am going to call it.
     My mom and I had been searching for a new house for me for awhile now (mostly as a fun hobby).  The old house was just getting too small.  It was crowded when my brother, Mom, and I lived there and that was awhile ago. I wanted a house where each of my girls could potentially have their own bedroom and the old house just wasn't going to cut it.  One bathroom for three girls wasn't going to cut it :).
   One day during maternity leave, Mom and I went to view a house.  As soon as I walked in the
door, I knew it was my forever home.  After viewing the house, Mom basically said the same thing.  It just felt right.  The "new" house has a garage (which alone, is an upgrade) and four bathrooms.  Each person can have their own bathroom if need be.  How perfect is that????  The stars all lined up and this was meant to be my new home.  I even found out that 3 of my neighbors all have twins as well. God led me to this house and I am thankful everyday.
    Sooooo the DAUNTING task of packing up 38 years of my life and moving began.  Everyone that knows me, knows that when I put my mind to something, I accomplish it...quickly.  I think it is the little part of me that is OCD.  It is very hard for me to sit and relax while looking around at all the tasks that need to be done.  I had 1 month to pack up and move.  The old me, before kids me, would have had the house packed in a weekend and been done with it.  The new me, the mom with kids me, had to re evaluate my work load.  Luckily the month allowed me to box up a little each night after the girls went to bed.  It is almost impossible to do anything while the girls are up.  They want all of my attention.  After they go to bed, I would spend about 2 hours a night, spring cleaning and boxing up belongings.  No rest for the weary, right?!
     When the weekend to move finally arrived, I hired a moving company to do the big things on Sunday and I had some family and friends (A HUGE THANK YOU TO THOSE THAT HELPED MOVED) help Saturday, move all the million little boxes.  Mom GRACIOUSLY watched the girls so I could get some work done.  It was a long weekend of moving but it finally got all done.
     Then the task of UNPACKING began.  Not to mention, cleaning the old house and getting it ready to be put on the market. I don't think my back will ever be the same.  Not only does my back hurt from all the lifting, I now have severe tendinitis in both elbows.  Some day I hope my body recovers.  I highly doubt it since carrying around 2 twenty pound babies isn't as easy as it sounds. :)
   The girls have settled in nicely to their home.  This new house will be their
Adelyn loves to "hug" Clara
house where memories are in every corner and it feels like "home" when they walk through the door.  My chapter at the old house has closed, and the new chapter of life with my girls has begun.  I have to put their needs first and as sad as I am to leave the old place, I am focusing on all the positive new memories we are going to create at the new house.  Truly the memories are in my heart anyway.  They aren't in a corner or a particular room.  I can go to my memories anytime to feel that warmth of my childhood home.
    Besides the move, the girls have had a lot of changes as well.  At their 4 months check up they weighed 15 and 16 pounds and they were in size 1 diapers.  In a matter of two weeks, the girls went from size 1 diapers to size 3.  They basically bypassed size 2.  The girls have gained so much weight in a month.  

Here are the 5 months stats:

*weighs 18 pounds
*rolls over from her back to her front
*loves to grab her feet while lying on back
*wearing 6-9 months clothes
*wears size 3 diapers
*bedtime: 7pm
*sleeps until about 5 am
*babbles a lot
*loves to "sing"
*loves to "pat" Clara (always rolling over and grabbing her sister)
*sucks on her middle two fingers
*loves oatmeal and pureed food (especially carrots)
*very social
*weighs 16 pounds
*smiles a lot more
*wearing 6-9 months clothes
*size 3 diapers
*bedtime:  7 pm (easy to put to bed)
*wakes up around 5 am
*sleeps with pacifier (LOVES her pacifier)
*starting to babble
*sucks on thumb and 1st finger
*has a high pitch laugh
*not a fan of oatmeal or pureed food...yet
*is such an observer.  She loves to "watch" everyone and everything
 *sleeping flat in her crib 

She is already miss photogenic

5 months old
Um....Grandma....there is a dog under my leg
Adelyn in the jumper
Sweet Clara
The girls have discovered each other
Adelyn loves to play with her toes
Adelyn LOVES to use Clara as a foot rest :)
Clara in the jumper

1 comment:

  1. Love the update! Sounds like an exciting new chapter for your family! Seriously, those babies are the cutest babies EVER, and I don't think all babies are cute, so that must mean they really really are...
