Sunday, October 27, 2013

Delivery Bag

When I had to change rooms, we had to pile
everything on the cart to help move
For you soon to be mothers out is what I actually needed in the delivery bag.  Normally when I go on any trip, I tend to over pack.  I pack clothes that don't even leave my suitcase.  They fill up space that I desperately need on my home.  Why should packing to go to the hospital be any different.  As anyone that knows me will tell you, I am a planner.  I did my research and packed my delivery bag way back five weeks before I actually went to the hospital.  I would pack, unpack, pack, check one more time that I had everything, unpack and then repack again.

     Funny thing...I ended up over packing again.  Here is what I actually needed/used and what you can leave at home.
           Cell phone/charger
           slippers (they will want you up, and walking the halls after delivery.  Make sure your slippers have extra room because your feet will be swollen.  My were SUPER swollen and barely fit in my slippers.
           baby journal/pen (you will have a lot of time on your hands, plus you will want to write things down because you will not remember them later.  You will also want to keep track of feedings, bowl movements, etc and unless you write it down, you will just not remember.
            nursing bra for going home (didn't use it all until the day I left the hospital)
            loose pants for going home
            shirt for going home.  Something big, loose
            tooth brush, make up (didn't use it til went home.  Wanted to feel human again ), comb, small shampoo.  They give you an itty bitty shampoo but it sucks so if you want to take  a shower (which you will), bring your own shampoo
            change of underwear for going home.  (you won't need one for everyday while you are there.  The hospital gives you these mesh medical underwear and they are the best.  Use those.  Don't use your own.
            wallet/insurance card
            That's it.

            You don't need your own pjs.  As unflattering as they are, the hospital gowns worked the best for me.  You can get them dirty
(which they will!!) and the hospital will get you a new one, and the snaps on the shoulders work perfectly for IV's and later, breast feeding.  Your own pjs don't have easy access for all the cords and easy access for breast feeding so I suggest, just use the hospital gowns.
             You don't need your own pillow or blanket, unless you want it for sentimental reasons.  I brought both but my mom ending up using my pillow for her overnight bed and same thing for my blanket.  They became two more things to carry when we left that I really didn't need to have.
             You can bring a computer; I did but the internet didn't work on it and I just ended up using the internet on my phone.  An Ipad might be nice but again, I just used my phone.
              I brought books to read, but I ended up taking advantage of free cable.  Sometimes, I was so uncomfortable and there was no way I was going to be reading.  The TV helped distract me the best.
              Snacks.  I brought some snacks but they ended up being torturous.  I was put on Petocin and I couldn't have anything to eat while I was on the IV, which was 95 percent of the time I was there so looking at my snacks, that I couldn't eat, just made me irritated and hungry.


     Bring:  A separate bag for the baby/babies.  
     Outfit:  make sure the outfit has legs.  The babies will need to be strapped into a car seat so gowns wouldn't work.
     Socks.  Baby socks might be nice if their feet are exposed.  You want to keep babies as warm as possible since going home will be their first outdoor experience
     thin/white paper (printer paper).  I wanted footprints to put in my scrap book so the nurses were awesome to do an extra set on my paper that I brought.  I am glad that I did that now that I am home.
     Don't need:  baby hat:  hospital will give you baby hats.  They are nothing special but they work.  My babies were preemie size and would have NEVER fit into the newborn hats that I have at home.  I still use the hats that the hospital gave them.
     receiving blankets.  The hospital will let you take the blankets they babies use there home.  They become quite sentimental after being at the hospital with them.
     diapers:  hospital will supply.  In fact, you get to take home whatever diapers you don't use :)
     wipes:  same as diapers
     burp clothes:  same as diapers and wipes

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