Saturday, March 28, 2015

Gramma Day Care March 2015

March 2015,

As always, I am super blessed to have my mom watch the girls while I work.  This was an email that I got from her the other day.   It is always an adventure and this just made me laugh :)

Hello Lloyd & Emily,
Girls took a 2 hour morning nap...Yeah!! Now that they are up and playing in the living room, Clara is being Miss Drama today and fake crying over everything (which I enjoyed sitting in with their play time and being there for her when she faked cry and needed a hug).

Finally time to make them some lunch and of course her fake crying stopped and she and Adelyn played well together. Darn Gramma. I bought into her game so poo poo on me. 

Speaking of poo poo, Daisy had urinated and pooped right in the middle of the puppy pad and since I was going to cook, I was thankful it was a quick fix and put down a clean new pad. As I'm walking around getting things cooked up, I step on something and look down and there is ANOTHER large pile of poo (Lucy?) NOT ON THE PAD (of course none of the dogs would fess up) and I had stepped smack dab in the middle of it with my ONE and only perforated bottom boots and it was now being tracked all over the kitchen...OH YUCK! 

Ran it under hot water and got it OUT of my boot and picked up the mess on the kitchen floor however YUCK YUCK YUCK. Oh sure, now back to my cooking....Oh, the chicken in the refrigerator Lloyd was ripe...bad bad bad! Oh the smell was NASTY....
I labeled it CRAB BAIT and took it out of the house. It is now wrapped and in the garage for you to deal with as you see fit tonight...Oh, don't forget to bury the dead rat in the chicken yard WAITING for YOU.
Guess it's a TV dinner lunch  :(
Love and hugs. Now, have a good day XOXOXO