Wednesday, April 9, 2014

6 Months

Wednesday April 9, 2014

I tell myself each month that "this is my favorite month" with the girls...then another month passes and now THIS is my favorite month with the girls.  Six months!  WOW!  Six months.  It is amazing how fast time passes.  I remember when the girls were weeks old and I was getting up every two hours to feed (if not sooner), my back killed, and I was pretty much functioning on coffee and fumes.  I thought to myself that I wasn't going to make it.  I was exhausted and my only light at the end of tunnel was the two sweet angels sleeping next to me on the bed :).
     Fast forward to six months and I am STILL exhausted BUT their personalities are shining through and each day is a new adventure.  The light is SOO much brighter.  It is such an amazing journey to experience life again for the first time through their eyes.When Adelyn and/or Clara laugh, it isn't just a simple laugh.  It is a deep gut laugh that makes you laugh right along with them.  They make the
world happy and me along with it.
    We have been living in the new house for almost two months now and we are getting used to the new routines.  It is funny how you cling to those stupid routines you had grown accustomed to.  For example, at the old house, it was so small that I kept my hooded sweatshirts in the hall towel closet.  It became natural to see them every morning when I went searching for a towel.  Whereas at the new house I have a ton of closet space, yet I still find myself walking to the hall closet to get those sweatshirts.  New house, new routines :)
  The girls had their six month check up a week early.  The appointments are always a tough day because the shots really wipe out the girls....and Mom...and Gramma.  Our appointment went with the doctor went well.

5 days
13 days
2 Months
4 Months
6 Months
5.24 %
2'3" tall
18.15 lbs
43.2 cm head

Head Circum

2'3" tall
17.15 lbs
44.5 cm head

Head Circum

You can see from the chart above how much amazing growth they have made.  They were in the
bottom of percentiles when they were first born.  Both girls are now in the 93rd percentile for height and in the high range for weight and head size as well!  They are going to be tall girls. Runs in the family :)  You can also see that Clara has a big head...NO WONDER she has a hard time during Tummy must be hard on her to hold that noggin up.  All those brains probably weigh a ton :)
     After the visit with the doctor we had to go next door to check in for the vaccinations.  Mom took Clara and sat in the waiting area.  I could hear Clara laughing all the way at the end of hall.  She has the most contagious,loud laugh.  I looked over at them and Clara's grin was ear to ear and laughing with every fiber of her body.  I am chuckling to myself right now as I write, remembering her laugh.  Adelyn was with me.  I had to turn in the paperwork to the receptionist.  Seconds after I handed the paperwork to the lady, Adelyn proceeded to spit up with excessive force from her mouth and nose.  It went alllllll over my face, shirt, and her.  Of course I didn't have any burp cloths with me.  I looked around for some sort of wiping material and all there was, was a box of kleenex.  They did little.
 Neither did the lady behind the desk.  She looked up at me, looked back down at the paperwork and didn't say a word.  I think she was sending me silent messages, such as " got puke on my desk." Meanwhile Adelyn spit up again with even MORE force.  Poor girl.  It was coming out her mouth and nose and going all over the both of us...and she hadn't even got her shots yet.
     The receptionist continued to do nothing, say nothing.  No help.  No sympathetic comments.  Nothing.  She just looked at me, and resumed entering her data.  After several seconds of looking at her with " me" eyes, I finally said, "do you need me anymore?"  To which she lazily look up and replied, "no."  Don't you think she could have excused me way earlier???
     The nurse got us back pretty soon for the shots.  I had Adelyn go first.  I held her in my arms while the nurse gave her the shots. She did NOT like them.  She cried and cried.  I kept whispering, "Mama loves you, Mama loves you" in her ear.
Next was Clara; my sensitive child.  She started actually very happy.  She was looking at me smiling.  I could tell when they gave her the first shot because her leg jerked and her eyes got really big.  Her face immediately went blood red and she started screaming.  She has Mariah Carey level lungs and my ears are still ringing.
     I swaddled her close but nothing comforted her.  I kept thinking  that she is looking at me like I was the one doing this to her.  I wanted to take all her pain away and eventually she calmed down, but man, shot days are rough...for the girls...Mom...and Gramma.   After the appointment, both girls fell asleep and slept most of the day.  We even managed to get out and go for a walk.

Here are their six month statistics:

·      Rolling over:  back to front, front to back
·      Grabs feet
·      Sleeps on her side; sometimes on stomach
·      Cuddles her bear blanket when she sleeps
·      Eating level 2 pureed food (loves ALL food)
·      Eye color:  blue with some green
·      Very observant
·      Hates taking naps
·      Very social
·      Loves her exersaucer
·      Loves "singing"
·      Can almost sit without help
·      Sleeps from 6:30pm - 6 am
·      Wearing size 9 months clothes
·      Wearing size 3 diapers
·      Still hates tummy time BUT is tolerating it more
·      Grabs feet
·      Sleeps on her back with hands on her head
·      Likes her face covered when she sleeps
·      Sleeps better when you place your hand on her chest
·      Needs pacifier still
·      Smiling A LOT
·      Very observant
·      Loves to touch things...especially faces
·      Settles down when I hold her (Mama's girl)
·      Eye color:  Green with some blue
·      Sleeps from 6:30pm - 6 am
·      Wearing size 9 months clothes
·      Wearing size 3 diapers
Every day is a new adventure and I love being a mom every day, even more.  There are so many new adventures ahead of us and I can't wait for what the next month is going to bring.