Sunday, February 9, 2014

4 Months

Feb 9, 2014

The girls are 4 months today.  They are getting so big right before my eyes.  We went in last week for their 4 month doctor visit.  It was a tough one for the girls and for me (and Grandma too).
        Adelyn weighs 15.9 pounds (82% percentile)
                   height:  25.5 inches (93% percentile)
                   head circumference:  16 inches (57% percentile)
        Clara weighs:  14.9 pounds (62% percentile)
                                                                height:  25 inches (81% percentile)
                                                                head circumference:  16.5 inches (89% percentile)

After all their measurements they got their shots.  That was the tough part.  Luckily I had Mom
there to hold one girl while I held the other during their shots.  They took one oral vaccine and then got two shots in each thigh.  They both screamed and at this age, they have developed tears so
those just rolled down their cheeks.  It was tough as their mom to hold them while they were in pain but I know that vaccinations are important.
      They got home that night and were in some discomfort.  Clara needed to be held all night so she ended up sleeping with me.  Adelyn slept in her own crib all night.
      This has been a fun time between turning three months and now.  On
Jan. 16, 2014 Aunt Mary Jane read their first bedtime story via skype.  Both girls just stared at the monitor.  It is so cool that modern technology can bring us closer together :)
       On Jan.  15 Adelyn slept all night, flat in her crib.  She no longer wanted to sleep in her napper.  She transitioned very easily to sleeping flat in her crib.  We think her arms were put on backwards because she loves to sleep with her arms above her head.  It is too cute.  Clara still likes sleeping in her napper but I think she will be out of it soon enough.

     On Feb. 6 Adelyn and Clara discovered their fingers.  I was sitting on my
chair reading when I heard this loud slurping sound.  I looked over to where the girls were in their bouncy chairs.  Adelyn had her middle finger and ring finger of her left hand in her mouth, sucking away.  Drool was pouring out onto her arm.  It was too cute.  I grabbed my camera to capture the moment.  Clara hadn't quite joined in the fun yet.  She looked over to Adelyn, looked to me taking pictures, and immediately stuck her fingers on her right hand into her mouth.  Monkey see, monkey do.  It was priceless.
        Clara is now smiling more and even giggles.  She loves to be "flown" in the air and playfully shaken. The biggest smile comes over her face and she just laughs out loud.

Adelyn discovered her fingers
Clara watched Adelyn find her fingers, and so she found hers too

Adelyn has a twinkle in her eyes

Clara is my thinker.  She is always observing

My girls love their bouncy chairs

Superbowl Sunday

Grandma had Cabbage Patch Doll Hair hats made for Superbowl Sunday

First time in their jumpers